Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Blog Day 10 - Phnom Penh to Sien Reap- Lewis and Blake

Last nights dinner at the Friends restaurant was really good. The Friends restaurant is a training service which rescues young kids who are living on the street, and helps them get a trade in hospitality. This helps them establish a stable future and gives them a career. The service there was better than any other restaurant we have eaten at so far. The students really enjoyed their line of work, and just learning in general. They were all really nice and at the end of the dinner I (Lewis) went through the kitchen and shook everyone’s hand, and thanked them for the dinner they seemed to enjoy serving and preparing.
The bus trip from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap was long, about 8 hours. We had a stop half way so the people that wanted to eat spiders and cockroaches could do so, but not me. I thought it was quite disgusting, but Blake tried them and thought they were good. We stopped at a school along the way to donate books and pencils to the children. The students at the school were so glad to see us and to receive our equipment.
When we arrived at Siem Reap we noticed our hotel and were so happy to see that we had a pool table and a swimming pool. After we checked in, we jumped back in the bus to visit our first temples from Angkar Wat. We had to climb up a really big hill and them some very steep, narrow steps. The view was fantastic from the top and we got to see the sun set.
The freedom we had tonight to choose our own group and choose our own place to eat dinner was awesome. The weather is warm but not too hot which will be good because we are going to spend the day tomorrow visiting all the temples.
Lewis and Blake


  1. Yuck- I can't believe that anyone actually ate one - I'm betting that you weren't one of them Shannon. How cute are those kids!!

  2. Great report boys

    I was wondering when the spider eating was going to happen and the spiders keep their shape when cooked, how disturbing!!!!!! have fun at the temples, they look amazing

    PS Draft was no14 in JJJ hottest 100 xoxo

  3. Great photography!,enjoy your stay at the Claremont Hotel.Maddie said they have a pool and gym ,I bet you are pleased to unpack stay put for a little longer too.We have not been able to send a comment but hopefully this will work ..... miss you Maddie

  4. ....I also meant to say, kudos to you Lewis for acknowledging the young people working at the Friends restaurant, well done mate xxx

  5. Hey you guys!
    I've been waiting for over a week to read your post. Class is sure going to be quiet this week with some of you so far away :-)
    Mrs B
