Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 13- Emma and Fabia's day in Siem Reap

This morning we headed off to the countryside to a little village just outside Siem Reap. Waiting for us was our guide’s special surprise .....15 ox carts for us to carry us through the village. It was great to be able to see how village communities in the countryside really look. It made us feel really privileged and was a real eye opener. We were also amazed to see how friendly the people were, especially the kids.  They all came out to wave and say hullo.
After that we went to Artisans Angkor where we went on a tour around all the different workshops to see how the artists create and recreate traditional artworks from Cambodia. After buying a few things from the gift shop we drove to our next destination, an old temple. We went to a partly restored temple (Akhvah Temple) which was built at the same time as Angkor Wat. Just in front of this temple there was there was a fifty year old monastery.
Then we headed back to the hotel for lunch and a short break. After this we went to The Cambodian Land Mine Museum. The information was quite shocking as we didn’t realise just how much damage landmines have caused and are still causing. There are huge relief efforts going on which is good but it is predicted to take many many more years till they are completely eradicated from Cambodia.
On our way back to Siem Reap we stopped at two villages.  At the first village we tried palm sugar made by the villagers. At the second village we stopped and took a walk through the village to again see the living conditions of the people. For dinner we went to the main street and walked around the markets for a while before heading home by Tuk Tuk.  An early night for the group because it is a big day tomorrow.
Emma And Fabia

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