Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 6- Vientiane(Laos)

Day 6
Today we finally got to sleep in, well to 8:15 but that’s good so far. We went and had some breaky which was one of the best we have had. The jam and bread were epic but they also served bacon and eggs and things like cereal, yoghurt and fries.
We then met our guide and got on the bus. We ended up looking at some amazing temples in Vientiane. One of the temples had monks who were giving blessings to people. They said a ritual and then placed a white string around our wrists. Not everyone from the group had a chance to get it done at that temple... After looking at a few more amazing temples we had some lunch. (Rice again served with a choice of mixed vegies, chicken, beef and fish).
 After lunch we went to COPE which was a place where they had lots of landmines that were dropped many years ago. It was fairly confronting because we saw the different ways its affected peoples’ lives today.  After that we went for a walk along the banks of the Mekong. Little did we know that the houses on the other side were actually in Thailand.
 Once we left the river, where we played on the park, we visited a Loatian family home.  In the middle of the main room there was a worship shrine on the floor. We all sat down and listened to the elder of the house recite a blessing where each of us had the chance to get the same white bands the others were given at the temple. He even mentioned his sorrow at hearing about the Australian flood situation.
It was an amazing experience to be blessed by monks and to see how the people of Laos live. Although they have so little, they are all so happy. We just had free time now in the hotel which gives us a chance to repack for our flight tomorrow.  Its almost time for dinner... stay tuned.
Leilani and Rachael.


  1. Hey there,
    Well done. Those landmines are horrible things! You seem to be having lots of exciting times, and some humbling moments that make you think. Great stuff, have a good flight today, love to all the gang. Missin' ya heaps, Mom and Dad. Alana says G'Day.

  2. Hello everybody
    Your trip just seems to be getting better and better. You are all making lifetime memories (and nightmares... about elephants Mr Malone!).The confronting stuff just makes you more appreciative of the country we live in. Regan and Billy say hi (I think they might be missing their little sister)as are we!Your not missing any thing exciting at home, so enjoy every minute....Love getting your reports and photos, keep them coming.All our love Mum,Dad,Regan,Billy, Ellie and Monty.

  3. heeey lani :) its lanaaaa ! i missssss you , hope your having heaps of fun. all the photos are heaps maaad, so jealous. i hate you not being here, its so weird and quite to not hear your music or something like that playing every morning.
    but i hope your having heaps of fun , it looks like you are !
    i lovee you heaps (:
